

domenica 16 aprile 2017

CAESAR, KAISER, CZAR the name comes from the town of CERVETERI (Rome) ITALY - Lecture at Prince Ruspoli's Palace

Cerveteri (ROME - Italy): prof. Livio Spinelli inaugurated the series of lectures at Prince Ruspoli Palace conference hall, under the project "On the road of the Etruscans", with the hope that the City of Cerveteri - immortalized in the literary masterpiece THE GARDEN OF FINZI-CONTINI - can name a Via Giorgio Bassani, and the multimedial presentation in collaboration with the actor and director Agostino De Angelis of a review of selected writings of world famous scientists, who demonstrated that the name CAESAR KAISAR orginated from the etruscan town of Caere (nowadays Cerveteri).
After a long and thorough study of the three gold tablets of Pyrgi, the famous linguist  prof. Oswald Szemerènyi, in his Essay "LINGUISTIC COMMENT ON THE PYRGI TABLETS" published in the scientific journal "Studies Mycenaean and Aegean-Anatolian", based on previous studies of the historic Roman religion Friedrich Münzer, published in the monumental RE Pauli-Wissowa Real ENCYCLOPEDIA, demostrates that
"Kjs'rj" the name of the town of Caere,  written in Punic-Phenix language on the Pyrgi tablet   could reconnect to that Lucius Iulius Caesar ancestor of Giulio Cesare.
It 's very likely that Chaesar (older form: Caisar) was just a reproduction of the archaic name of Caere. This does not mean that Caesar's ancestors were Etruscans, but only the first of the Iulii to get the nickname "had to do" with Caere, i.e. Julius "CAESAR" alias the "CERVETRAN".
The ties between Rome and Caere went up to the invasion of the Gauls when the highest priests and the holy vessels of Rome and found refuge here as early as 300 BC There is evidence that rich Roman families, such as that of the Claudian had built here their family tomb. Professor Muenzer based on precise literary sources in the RE Encyclopedia states at 250 BC the presence at Caere of a branch of the Gens Iulia and of that first Lucius Iulius who during the First Punic War fought along with the Etruscan town of Cere, and stayed there for some time, then assuming the surname-nickname Caisar, from the Etruscan name of the town  ​​(Caisr-). This is the  most scientifically
explanation of the name, which later on indicated the imperial dignity: Caesar, Kaiser, Czar.

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